TOSCA | Chorégies d’Orange

TOSCA | Chorégies d’Orange

This year’s production of Tosca was presented in a concert format, marking the closing night of the 2024 season at the Chorégies d’Orange. It was a memorable evening, as always, with the added challenge of a very strong wind, which the artists bravely overcame. Watching Roberto Alagna perform in his element is always an event, and despite the difficult weather conditions, the evening was spectacular.

First and foremost, Aleksandra Kurzak deserves applause for her incredible performance. Beyond her well-established vocal talents, she demonstrated superb acting skills. Holding the role of Tosca on such a large stage, without any sets, must have been challenging, yet she managed it beautifully. Her aria “Vissi d’arte, vissi d’amore” was undoubtedly the highlight of the evening, receiving prolonged and well-deserved acclaim for her deeply moving performance.

Roberto Alagna, as always, was remarkable. Performing alongside his wife Aleksandra Kurzak, their chemistry was palpable. Alagna exudes charisma, charm, and a brilliant smile, maintaining his wonderful voice. It is evident that he feels at home here, having performed at Orange for over a decade, and the audience adores him.

Bryn Terfel once again portrayed a malevolent and villainous Scarpia. Known to be incredibly kind in private life, Terfel transforms into a monstrous figure during his operatic performances, adding depth and intensity to his character.

Special mention must be made of the young conductor, Clelia Cafiero, who previously conducted Carmen on the same stage in 2023. Despite the challenging weather conditions, she managed the orchestra superbly. However, one criticism is the placement of the brass instruments directly beneath the stage. One musician with a French horn was notably out of sync, which was noticeable from my position in the audience. Despite this, the overall performance was excellent.

Lastly, I must commend the Chorégies for their warm welcome. I hope that next year will see a return to the rhythm of two operas per season.

In conclusion, the 2024 closing night of the Chorégies d’Orange with Tosca in concert form was a triumph. Aleksandra Kurzak, Roberto Alagna, and Bryn Terfel delivered outstanding performances, making it an evening to remember.


  • FLORIA TOSCA: Aleksandra Kurzak
  • MARIO CAVARADOSSI: Roberto Alagna
  • BARON SCARPIA: Bryn Terfel
  • CESARE ANGELOTTI: Jean-Vincent Blot
  • SCIARRONNE: Jean-Marie Delpas
  • IL CARCIERE: Jean-Marie Delpas
  • SPOLETTA: Carlos Natale
  • IL SAGRISTANO: Marc Barrard
  • PASTORE: Galia Bakalov

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