My name is Geoffrey but call me Jo, 36 years old from Lausanne, Switzerland. A lover of Italian opera from the Romantic period and more particularly of Verdi since my earliest childhood, I spend my weekends traveling across Europe to listen to the most beautiful operas of the 19th century. Beyond my admiration for the Opera, I love above all the people who do this job, singers, musicians, managers, makeup artists, dressers… I have been trying for several years to shed light on this wonderful world of entertainment , and take advantage of this knowledge to promote artists on digital media, develop their reputation, and provide help with their personal and professional organization. Viva Verdi !

My name is Henri, I live in Paris, France. I am 27, and my first strong operatic emotion dates back to my early 20’s, when listening on YouTube to the terrifying commendatore end scene in Lorin Maazel’s famous Don Giovanni. I then remember feeling the strong potential this form of art could have in terms of emotions, but little did I know it would become such a passion and such a source of joy and powerful emotions. I barely miss a production in Bastille or in Garnier, especially if the music is from Mozart, Verdi, or any composer of the verismo era. You can also find me around Vienna / London / Milano or any opera house in near Europe !

My name is Michele and I live in Noli, Liguria, Italy. I work as a mechanical engineer but I studied piano and opera singing for many years. I am over 50 years old, and therefore I had the opportunity to listen to legendary singers as Pavarotti, Caballé, Freni live and to sing in the Aida choir with Fiorenza Cossotto’s Amneris. Opera is the greatest passion of my life, and the world of melodrama is my second home; I regularly attend the most important Italian opera houses, such as La Scala in Milan and San Carlo in Naples, and also those in the provinces which often provide great satisfaction! I can be considered what in Italian is called a LOGGIONISTA! I absolutely love Rossini and belcanto, but I am passionate about the entire Italian and German repertoire. Work of life? Mozart’s Don Giovanni!

My name is Vinicius, 30 years old, born in Brazil but have been living in Paris. I am a materials engineer and a lot of my spare time is devoted to lyric art. My first operatic memory dates back to my childhood, when I heard on TV, enchanted, the version of “Turandot” recorded by Sutherland, Paravotti and CaballĂ© in the 1970s. A few years later, Rossini’s opera “MoĂŻse et le Pharaon”, staged at the Aix-en-Provence Festival, completed (and reinforced) my admiration for that I consider to be the “Gesamtkunstwerk”. Different repertoires interest me, but I am particularly (and increasingly) interested in French opera (from Baroque works – Lully, Charpentier, … – through those of Meyerbeer and Boieldieu, to the operas of Poulenc and Messiaen) and German repertoire (with a great attraction to the operas of Mozart, von Weber and Strauss).

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