TOSCA | Arena di Verona Festival

TOSCA | Arena di Verona Festival

If I had to choose one highlight of my operatic year in 2024, it would undoubtedly be the performance of Tosca I witnessed at the Verona Arena. This evening was nothing short of extraordinary—a confluence of perfect elements that made for a truly unforgettable night under the stars in one of the world’s most iconic opera settings. The evening was led by the esteemed conductor Daniel Oren, whose mastery at the podium once again demonstrated why he is one of the finest in the business today. I had previously experienced his genius in Rome when he conducted Otello this past June, and I knew that we were in for something special. Yet, nothing could have prepared me for the overwhelming wave of emotion that this performance delivered.

The cast was stellar, with Anna Netrebko in the role of Floria Tosca, Yusif Eyvazov as Mario Cavaradossi, and Luca Salsi as the menacing Baron Scarpia. Every note, every gesture, every glance from this trio was pure magic. Anna Netrebko, undoubtedly the greatest soprano of our time, owned the stage from the very first moment. Her voice was a force of nature, effortlessly navigating the aria’s highs and lows with a control and passion that left the audience breathless. I’ve seen Tosca many times and know this production inside out, but Netrebko’s performance brought new life to this well-worn role. Her rendition of “Vissi d’arte” was the emotional pinnacle of the evening—a moment of such intense beauty that it felt like the entire arena was holding its breath, caught in the spell she wove with her voice. It is no exaggeration to say that the whole of Italy seemed to be at her feet that night.

Yusif Eyvazov continues to amaze me with each performance. I first noticed his exceptional talent during Il Trovatore in Paris in January 2023, and this performance was nothing short of an apotheosis. His Cavaradossi was not only vocally superb, with powerful, sustained notes that seemed to defy time itself, but he also displayed a deeply felt connection to the character. His acting was impeccable, and his engagement with the audience palpable. Offstage, his warmth and generosity with fans are truly commendable—thank you, Yusif!

Luca Salsi, as Baron Scarpia, was as terrifying as ever. This role is tailor-made for him; his commanding presence and dark, rich voice create a Scarpia that is the stuff of nightmares. He captures the essence of the character with chilling precision—there is simply no higher praise I can offer.

The supporting cast was also excellent, with Gabriele Sagona as Cesare Angelotti, Giulio Mastrototaro as Il Sagrestano, Carlo Bosi as Spoletta, Nicolò Ceriani as Sciarrone, Carlo Striuli as Il Carceriere, and Lorenzo Pigozzo as Un Pastore. Each played their parts to perfection, contributing to the overall brilliance of the evening.

I must give a special mention to the orchestration. Daniel Oren’s direction was nothing short of divine. The orchestra responded to his every command with precision, passion, and the kind of musicality that can only be achieved through years of experience and deep understanding. The Te Deum, in particular, was the most magnificent I have ever heard—a transcendent experience that moved me to tears. Despite the familiarity, the beauty of Tosca still has the power to evoke such profound emotions, even after 20 years of attending operas worldwide. It’s a reminder of why we keep coming back to these timeless works.

The Verona Arena itself played a crucial role in the magic of the evening. There is simply no other venue like it in the world, and the atmosphere was electric, filled with a sense of history, grandeur, and intimacy all at once. The organization of the festival was, as always, impeccable, with the warm and welcoming staff contributing to the overall enjoyment of the experience.

To anyone who has not yet attended the Verona Arena Festival, I cannot recommend it highly enough. It is, without question, the best opera festival in the world. The combination of world-class performances, breathtaking productions, and the unparalleled setting of the ancient arena creates an experience that every opera lover should have at least once in their lifetime. As for me, I will continue to return year after year, eager to relive nights as magical as this one.

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